TTCJ Actibities
General Meeting
Held annually in March (毎年3月に総会)
Regular Monthly Meeting

Held on the third Thursday of each month with the exception of August(Summer excursion to Tohoku)and December (Yearend party) for the special event. Meetings are held at restaurants,F.C.C.J., hotels, etc. in Tokyo and its vicinity. We make an effort to invite influential people from the industry to address the meetings. In addition to these meetings, TTCJ holds seminars with the aim of acquiring more information. Occasionally,we hold joint meetings with other travel industry groups such as ANTOR, Embassy and other organizations.

■スペシャル・プログラム...季節に応じ会員の興味の高いイベントを企画開催しています。(例:夏の旅行、大使館での昼食会、イヤーエンド パーティーなど。)
To ensure maximum communication among TTCJ members and within the travel industry, and to publicize the club's activities,the bi-monthly newsletter will carry the monthly meeting report of lectures by guest speakers.
(Note: Presently, the report on the monthly meeting will appear on our website,